Wealth & Poverty Review

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Caitlyn McKenney Discusses Her Seattle Times Op-Ed with Brandi Kruse

Discovery Institute Research Fellow Caitlyn McKenney appeared on [un]Divided with Brandi Kruse this week to discuss McKenney's op-ed in The Seattle Times, "Sensible WA Tenancy Laws Will Help Housing Stability." McKenney argues that nonsensical laws protecting tenants from eviction cause harm to housing stability. Watch McKenney and Kruse discuss. Read More ›

Is Housing a Human Right?

The U.S. Constitution establishes life, liberty and property as unalienable rights but makes no room for a human right to the provision of housing. Read More ›
Sample social media app interface on mobile phone showing shared video content

Does President Trump Have It Wrong on TikTok?

Trump is mistaken if he thinks that the restructuring of TikTok can be pulled off quickly, given the risk of residual backdoors to China that are likely baked into the system. Everyone understands that Facebook harvests data from users' devices even when they are not on the Facebook site. According to Sam Faddis, a 20-year veteran of the CIA, TikTok is four to five times more intrusive than Facebook in harvesting data from Americans who have downloaded the TikTok app. Read More ›
Hundreds kilos of gold stolen during war in Europe found on unknown place

Gold Is Still Your Only Monetary Alternative

Today, we are seeing a lot of the institutions and bad ideas of the Post World War II Consensus breaking down and collapsing. Among these is the rather stupid notion that economies should be managed by some combination of currency and interest rate manipulation, and “fiscal stimulus” spending that amounts to utter waste, for the simple reason that it has no justification except as “stimulus.” These are the conclusions of “Keynesianism,” which has been taught in all universities since the 1940s. Read More ›
copper ore

The Abundance of the Five Metals in the Simon-Ehrlich Bet

Between 1900 and 2000, global population grew by 400 percent, from 1.6 billion to 8 billion. During the same period, the production of the five metals soared: chromium increased by an astounding 78,082 percent, copper by 4,062 percent, nickel by 26,918 percent, tin by 226 percent, and tungsten by 4,829 percent. On average, production of these metals rose by an extraordinary 22,823 percent. Read More ›
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The YIMBY Movement Faces Challenges on Both Sides of the Aisle

“Yes In My Backyard” — if the phrase has yet to enter your lexicon, the YIMBY movement is a growing cultural and political response to its predecessor, NIMBY (“Not In My Backyard”). As the nation faces a shortage of nearly 4 million homes, a pro-housing response is understandably on the rise. And while the YIMBY movement has garnered impressive traction on both sides of the political aisle — Harris and Trump have both vocalized pro-housing development sentiment — it is also not immune to criticism from both sides. Read More ›
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Steve Hickey Finally Vacates House He Was Illegally Occupying

Serial squatter Steve Hickey has vacated the Ravensdale house he's been illegally occupying for more than a year. It is now in the hands of homeowner Katrina Freitag, but she's now accusing him of attempted arson. Before Hickey left, she believes the disgraced former King County Fire Commissioner turned on the stove and tried to burn down the house. Read More ›
Show a visual representation of the time value of money concept, perhaps with an hourglass symbolizing the passage of time and its effect on the value of money.

The Right Question Is How Much Time Does It Cost?

One of the reasons we love money is that it makes trading easier. Everyone will take money in a trade. Much harder to trade for shoes or bread or economics lessons. Pricing things in dollars and cents gives us a quick way to calculate how products relate to each other. But money has a fundamental problem. Read More ›
Star of Jesus with rays of light. Christmas star of the Nativity of Bethlehem, Nativity of Jesus Christ. Background of the beautiful starry sky and bright star.

Why Christmas Remains the Greatest Story of All Time

Across cultures throughout human history, people have sought to flee oppression and escape persecution. A recurring theme in Western classical literature and in modern classics such as Superman and Disney originals, which revolve around the struggle between good and evil, is the need and critical role for a rescuer or savior. Read More ›