Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Gale Pooley's new book "Superabundance" is officially released today. It tells the story of population growth, innovation, and human flourishing on an infinitely bountiful planet. Read More ›
The next time you open your refrigerator to enjoy a cool beverage or a frozen dessert, thank all of our fellow human beings who work to discover and create little bits of knowledge each day that show up in the innovation abundance all around us. Read More ›
The quantity of things is important, but it’s the value of things that count. And value can change as fast as people can change their minds. Read More ›
Elon Musk and Julian Simon are right. Janet Yellen and Thanos are wrong. More human beings create much more wealth for all of us to enjoy, if given the freedom to innovate by learning and discovering new valuable knowledge to share in free markets. Invest in people. We pay the highest dividends. Read More ›
Adam Smith understood this back in 1776. If you want to get rich, have lots of people you can sell to. Large markets also allow people to develop their skills and specialize in such things as drug and software development. Read More ›
Are resources becoming more or less abundant? To answer this question we analyzed the change in the time prices of 50 basic commodities from 1980 to 2020. Recall that 1980 was the year Julian Simon and Paul Ehrlich entered into their famous 10-year $1,000 bet on the price of five metals. Read More ›
Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley on Human Progress Podcast
Gale Pooley joined his colleague Marian Tupy to give an annual update on their Simon Abundance Index. Named after University of Maryland economist Julian Simon, the Simon Abundance Index measures the change in abundance of resources over a period of time. Read More ›