Wealth & Poverty Review | Page 2

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An Interview with George Gilder Asks, Can You Pass the Israel Test?

In The Israel Test, newly revised and republished by Encounter Books, George Gilder answers the antisemites, and explains the meaning of Israel as the most economically dynamic, democratic and pro-Western state in the Middle East—and a crucial US economic and defense ally. Bruce Chapman and George Gilder discuss. Read More ›
Stacks of paper
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King County Superior Court Making Changes to Address Backlog of Eviction Cases

King County Superior Court is making serious changes to address the backlog of eviction cases. The court is adding more judicial officers and hearing dates to the calendar. Last check, there's a backlog of more than 2000 deadbeat tenant cases that must be resolved. The new process goes into play next month. Read More ›
Young woman cycling in the park at sunset
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Things Used to Cost Less but They Were Much More Expensive

We buy things with money, but we pay for them with our time. This means there is a money price, which is expressed in dollars and cents, and a time price, which is expressed in hours and minutes. A time price is simply the money price divided by hourly wages. Take, for example, the bicycle. Read More ›
Round salted cracker cookies in wooden bowl putting on linen and wooden background.
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Ritz Abundance

Joseph (Jake) Klein recently wrote a great article about Ritz Crackers. He notes that they were introduced in 1934 at a price of 19 cents for a one pound box. There are around 8.75 crackers per ounce so a 16-ounce box would yield around 140 of the tasty wafers. Ritz outsold every other cracker their first year on the market. Read More ›
Revolutionary war, patriotism and birth of the United Sates of America concept with closeup on the original 13 star American flag known as the Betsy Ross
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July 4 Has Always Been About Resisting Tyranny, and This Year Is No Exception

America is the only nation in human history that was completely born of noble and deeply spiritual principles: that all men are created equal, that they have been given by God certain rights that cannot be taken away by any man or earthly authority, and that those unalienable rights combine to create and protect a thing called freedom in life. As a result, Americans have always been free to pursue happiness, worship God, speak publicly about their views, and, of course, choose their leaders. Read More ›

Washington State Needs the Private Sector to Meet Urgent Housing Needs

The Washington State Affordable Housing Advisory Board recently released a “Housing Advisory Plan” to address what it describes as an “urgent crisis” of needed affordable housing options in the state. According to the plan, there is only one affordable housing unit available for every five households in need (for those at or below 50-percent of median family income (MFI)). Read More ›