A Lively Discussion on Trade and Protectionism
This will go down in history as the episode of “The Bill Walton Show” where economist John Tamny referred to views I presented as utter nonsense and I called his naïve. No, we haven’t descended into a late-night cable TV news catfight. Anyone who has watched this program for any time knows I could not have more respect for Tamny, a senior fellow in economics at Reason Foundation, and his unique insights into economics, trade, and policy—and that he’s one of my favorite people. But the language we both chose in what was an entirely pleasant conversation perhaps reflects the sharp differences that are emerging even on the pro-market side about the trade practices of President Donald Trump. I had Read More ›
Nathan Lewis of Forbes Review of Gilder’s Case for Stable Money
A Government We Deserve — or One We Need?
At Forbes, Sr. Fellow George Gilder Discusses Why “Gold Is The Money Of The Future”

Watch: The Problem of Crony Capitalism
George Gilder vs. Milton Friedman on the Function of Money
Gilder: Bitcoin “Puts the Power of Money Back into the Hands of its Users.”
American Free Enterprise: Its History, Its Critics, and Its Sources of Renewal
George Gilder: Bitcoin & Gold
George Gilder explains what Bitcoin is, and how he became interested in the currency after studying gold. Now he’s working a book about bitcoin and how this new technology will change everything we know about money. Transcript We’re back at Freedom Fest and with me now is George Gilder. He’s the chairman of the George Gilder fund management he’s the author of wealth and poverty and his most recent knowledge and power George good to good to have you on our show great to be here now George I know you recently wrote an article on Forbes where you were saying how entrepreneurship is is key to having new innovations in America let’s talk a bout how Bitcoin fits into Read More ›