political freedom

Protective masks, normally used for surgery, are now in use to fight the Corona Virus SARS-nCov-19.
Photo by Mika Baumeister at Unsplash.

Biden’s National Mask Mandate is Absurd and Despotic

The new Biden-Harris ticket is off to a despotic start. Biden, armed with his new running mate Kamala Harris, held a press briefing on Thursday in which he called for a nationwide mask mandate. Read More ›
Chinese Yuan and US dollars on the map of China. Trade war between US and China, economic sanctions

The Real China Story

With China grabbing all the negative headlines lately, I thought it would be a good idea to step back and look at the big picture, highlighting the great triumphs of this country. Some of my readers worry that I am “soft” on China, too optimistic about the prospects for freedom there and unwary of the Chinese threat to the U.S. As one reader recently wrote, “At the end of the day China is still a communist country” that “does not recognize the right to private property” and therefore can steal our intellectual property without any twinge of conscience. I love this comment because it gets us right to the heart of things: Is China still a communist country? Not: Does China have lots of politicians who ritually declare themselves communists? (It does.) Or even a few who deep in their hearts still yearn for the good old days of Mao? (They exist.) But is China a communist country, a nation of 1.4 billion people living under anything we would recognize as communism? My answer is: “By their fruits, you shall know them.” Let me explain… Read More ›