Nathan Lewis

gold bar concept
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Time to Take Sound Money to the Federal Level

The idea of “Sound Money” — this means using gold and silver as money — has been persistently popular among the states for over a decade. Beginning with Utah in 2011, one state after another has removed barriers and impediments to using gold and silver, and digital or other alternatives based on gold and silver, in a monetary role. With over 40 states now having passed some kind of Sound Money legislation, it is now time to take on the federal government. Representative Alex Mooney (R), of West Virginia, recently introduced the Monetary Metals Tax Neutrality Act, HR 8279, into the US House. The bill aims to repeat, at the federal level, what has already been accomplished in many states. Read More ›
Zimbabwe flag against orange sunset
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Zimbabwe’s Central Bank Starts Africa’s Path to a Gold Standard

This month, the Central Bank of Zimbabwe launched a new gold-based currency, the first gold-based currency from a government since Richard Nixon effectively ended the world gold standard system in 1971. As long as the Central Bank of Zimbabwe adheres to some important principles, and doesn't play politics, it should be fine. Read More ›