Time to Take Sound Money to the Federal Level
Zimbabwe’s Central Bank Starts Africa’s Path to a Gold Standard
Financial Regulation: Boring, or Terrifying? with Chris Iacovella and Norbert Michel
Watch the episode on YouTube. A slew of financial crises that stretch all the way back to the banking Panic of 1907 have been exploited to justify erecting a financial regulatory system that has vastly centralized and expanded federal power over our money. The irony is that these crises were largely caused, or at least exacerbated, by poorly designed government regulations. What we have now is an unholy alliance of regulators, mega banks and entrenched special interests who are the chief beneficiaries our system of opaque and complex financial regulation. Adding to this mix is the progressive Left who are now using our financial system to push its DEI and climate change agendas. Joining me on this episode to explore Read More ›
Reserve Currency? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Reserve Currency
A hot question among economic pundits of late is, “What will replace the US dollar (USD) as the world’s reserve currency?” Perhaps a better question is, “Does there need to be an actual replacement?” Currently, the USD plays several major roles: There would appear to be no current alternative that completely contains every one of these attributes. But recently, there has been a plethora of bi-lateral and multi-lateral trade agreements, particularly among the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), which provide the ability to settle trade transactions in local currency or other acceptable payment mechanisms, thus satisfying the USD role number one cited above. Simply put, if a country can settle much of its trade liabilities without requiring the Read More ›