
Safe-haven currency for investment, financial concept : US 100 USD dollar banknotes on a table, depict most popular asset for central bank reserve / global money for using or paying debt in the world
Safe-haven currency for investment, financial concept : US 100 USD dollar banknotes on a table, depict most popular asset for central bank reserve / global money for using or paying debt in the world

What’s Wrong with “Neoliberal Economics”?

As a member of the “supply side” branch of modern classical economics, I might be labeled a “neoliberal economist” by some. But, there are important points at which common “neoliberal” economics fails badly, and which give rise to much-deserved criticism. Read More ›
Ponzi Scheme text with document brown envelope and gavel isolated on office desk.
Ponzi Scheme text with document brown envelope and gavel isolated on office desk.

Demographic Collapse #2: Ponzi Schemes

I have been arguing that a decline in population (“demographic collapse”) need not be a bad thing. If per-worker productivity remains high, or better yet rises considerably, then individuals and the society in general will remain wealthy and prosperous. Read More ›